How to remove the uploaded file in a form before to submit it?

  • sperorehab
    Asked on June 2, 2016 at 11:00 AM

    In our form we give our patients the ability to upload a picture of their Driver's License and Insurance Card.  Sometimes the image quality is poor or the file is too large/too small.  Is there a way for them to be able to delete that upload and try it again?  

    Thank you.

  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on June 2, 2016 at 12:21 PM

    I checked your form and see you're using the default file upload field, this will not allow you to delete the previously uploaded file, at least it does not show a button where you can click and the file will be deleted, to remove the file you would need to click on the button "Choose File" again and simply close the window, this will remove the field: 

    How to remove the uploaded file in a form before to submit it?  Image 1 Screenshot 30

    But there is a widget that will achieve exactly what you need, here is the link: 

    This guide will help you to add the widget to your form: How-to-Add-a-Widget-to-your-Form

    This widget will work with images only and it will allow to delete the previously uploaded file, here is an example about how it looks once it is added to your form: 

    How to remove the uploaded file in a form before to submit it?  Image 2 Screenshot 41

    If you what you're looking for is allow your users to re-upload another file, but when the submission is already done, then you simply will need to provide them the link to edit the submission, they only need to select the new file and submit it and the previously submitted data will be the same, only the image will change.

    Here is a guide that will help you to allow your users to edit their submissions: How-to-Let-Users-Update-Their-Form-Submissions-at-a-Later-Date

  • MidRes
    Replied on October 21, 2016 at 6:41 AM

    what about a mobile device....i want users to be able to submit a file and a photo.  The file size limit is there a solution for mobile platform that will remove the file before form submit?
  • Charlie
    Replied on October 21, 2016 at 7:10 AM


    Hi, I have opened a separate thread for your concern. Please refer to this link instead: I will address it shortly.

    Thank you.