How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form?

  • jenj0329
    Asked on November 18, 2016 at 10:20 AM

    I have created a marketing pro order form to allow my sales reps to request marketing materials from us, their marketing team. The format is great in terms of format of the ordering form itself but when I get the submitted email with a request to full fill the order it just says quantity, notes, quantity, notes, all the way down, all 20 marketing items I have. So in order to fill the request I have to count down the quantities and match it to my form to see what I need to send them. You know what I mean? I would like the submission form to replicate the form so I know to refill the pens at 20 quantity. Can I do this somehow, and how?

    Jotform Thread 993193 Screenshot
  • David JotForm Support Manager
    Replied on November 18, 2016 at 12:09 PM

    I would recommend you to use the Configurable List widget instead, so it would be easier to identify things in the email notification: 

    How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Here is my cloned version with the first two items using configurable list widget: 

    You may clone the form: 

    And check the settings of the widget, so you can replace all items width Configurable List widgets if you like it. Let us know if you need more help.

  • jenj0329
    Replied on November 28, 2016 at 11:42 PM

    Thank you this helps. However I am running into a few snags creating it. I can't get the first box text to allow multiple lines to fit all my information. Also it has a + sign to allow people filling out the form to add another line, I don't want that. You show a nice neat box above, how did you get that using the widgets? 

    Any chance you can go into my form and create the right widget for one of my line items and I can see how you did it and duplicate it for the rest? 


  • Rose
    Replied on November 29, 2016 at 2:01 AM

    Thank you for your additional feedbacks. 


    First of all, I would like to clear some points regarding the configurable list widget that my colleague suggested. 

    1. The max line is to set '1'. In other words, it is not allowed to add a new line which means product. 

    How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 1 Screenshot 100

    2. The add /remove button is always being in configurable list. When the user open the form, the remove button will be there but there is no add (+) button.

    How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 2 Screenshot 111

    The add button will be shown if the user clicks remove button. However, when the user clicks add button, the product details will be shown up again but still the user can not add more than one product. 

    How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 3 Screenshot 122

    If you would like to prevent this you can add following css codes to each widget to not display remove button at the first.

    How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 4 Screenshot 133

    button.remove {

    display:none !important;



    3. The screen shot of my colleague provided here above is about how the configurable list will be show up at notification. You don't need to customise e-mail setting. It is enough to add widget to e-mail part on notification. If you clone the form that my colleague prepared for you, you can see how he set the widget details. 

    On the other hand, if this is difficult or complicated for you, I can suggest you one more option. As far as I understood, you are ok with your current form but you have difficulties about understanding what the user need at notification due to the fact that there is no other details except quantity and notes. You can customise your notification setting on your own too. I'm explaining what I did at below step by step. 

    1. Open your notification setting and click to edit

    2. Click E-mail tab

     How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 5 Screenshot 144

    3. Click any of the row where the quantity label is and click two times to insert column before icon to create two more column.

    How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 6 Screenshot 155

    4. Merge the columns covering quantity and notes row for each product. 

    How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 7 Screenshot 166


    5. Add image to first column and add product details the second column for each product. You can also customise cells as you wish. 

    How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 8 Screenshot 177


    After that, the submission will be seen as following image.

    How can I get the submitted email form to replicate the form? Image 9 Screenshot 188


    Hope, these would help you. If you need any other assistance by our side, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

  • jenj0329
    Replied on December 14, 2016 at 4:32 PM

    Hello So I did what you mentioned above and it seemed to be great. Somehow it reverted back somewhat or deleted some columns. So now some are correct and most are not. What happened and can we look to see if we can get that form back so I don't have to recreate it get again. 

    Thank you

  • David JotForm Support Manager
    Replied on December 14, 2016 at 5:46 PM

    You can check the revision history to get back your edits: 

    Let us know if you need more help.