I want one Submit button to both redirect to PayPal and email the contents of the JotForm to me

  • tiffineyoatman
    Asked on August 21, 2018 at 8:34 PM

    It seems like you can only do one or the other:

    (1) Have a PayPal submit button that redirects to PayPal


    (2) Have a submit button that emails you the content of the JotForm

    I don't want this to be an either or, I want one button that does both.

    Do I need to add an onClick function to the submit button in order for this to work?

  • John_Benson
    Replied on August 21, 2018 at 10:50 PM

    Are you referring to the notification email you receive when someone submitted to your form? 

    You can create payment options by following this guide: https://www.jotform.com/help/120-How-to-Set-up-PayPal-Along-with-Other-Payment-Options

    One option will go to PayPal and the other option will just submit the form. Is that what you're trying to achieve?

  • tiffineyoatman
    Replied on August 22, 2018 at 8:20 PM

    I'm asking once someone makes their Payment on PayPal, will I get both the PayPal notification and the JotForm answers that they filled out sent to me in an email notification.

    I want BOTH, I don't want one vs. the other, I want both the notification that someone just made a payment and a notification with the form responses sent to me.

    Is there special code that needs to be set up in order to make that happen.

  • John_Benson
    Replied on August 22, 2018 at 9:38 PM

    You can create multiple notification emails to receive emails from PayPal notification and JotForm answer when someone submitted to your form.

    To create additional notification email, please follow this guide: Setting-up-Email-Notifications

    You can also enable the Pending Payment Email feature in the Payment Settings:

    1534988236151245z6626 Screenshot 10

    Related guide: How-to-Edit-the-Email-Template-for-Notifications-and-Autoresponders

  • tiffineyoatman
    Replied on August 22, 2018 at 10:27 PM

    Awesome...the Pending Payment feature worked...thanks!