Unable to insert images in the integrated Google document

  • testbots
    Asked on August 9, 2019 at 1:22 AM

    We are having trouble with inserting images into our document. We would like to allow our form users to upload as many as four images. In your example, you have the "upload image" link in your pdf created by AutoCrat, but in your video of the pdf, we don't see that it inserted an image. When we try to click on the "upload image" in our document, it downloads the image to the computer and then we have to insert it back into the document. (We're using a google doc not a pdf.) Do you have any advice?

  • roneet
    Replied on August 9, 2019 at 2:40 AM

    I believe you are referring to this Form:


    You are using the third-party application to create a customize Google Document out of the submissions.

    Have you tried our own PDF editor for this? You can easily attach the document in the notification emails.

    Guide: https://www.jotform.com/help/384-How-to-Customize-PDF-Submissions-Report

    Guide: https://www.jotform.com/help/503-How-To-Include-Submissions-As-PDF-Attachment-In-The-Email-Notifications

    Let us know if you have further questions.


  • testbots
    Replied on September 5, 2019 at 12:32 PM

    Your response doesn't quite answer our question.  

    As we understand it, the PDF editor gives a page or pages for each form entry and then the next submission starts on a new page.  We need to be able to edit and repaginate all the entries into one large document without a lot of blank space.  So if one entry takes a whole page plus a third of the next page, we want to have the next entry start right after the first one (with a divider or a small amount space).  We have about 5-10 people making individual entries roughly twice a week, with images, over the course of several months.  These entries need to be able to be placed in one document, without having a lot of white space, as they will be printed out as one document.  We only need a large header on the first page, although having a smaller header or footer on every page might work. 

    The other part of our original question was how to have multiple images uploaded.  They would need to be in separate fields to be used by AutoCrat.  Is there a way to do that that would be flexible with the number of images?  Sometimes there will be no images to upload and other times up to 4.  We can "bake in" that number of images but we're trying to make this easy for high schoolers to fill out.  

    Also when trying to use the PDF editor with the images, we would like to optionally have a description next to the image. We are able to place the description above or below, but there is no way to shrink the image field so that the fields can be next to each other.  We also tried allowing multiple image uploads but then the images cannot be moved around separately so we are left with "baking in" the number of image fields.

    We tried to "Download All" from the PDF editor just to see what it looked like and we haven't received the email with the zip file. 


    Thank you.


  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on September 5, 2019 at 3:35 PM

    AutoCrat allows images to be mapped, you will need to edit your job and instead of selecting hyperlinks you must use the image option:

    15677114042019 09 05 13h14 38 Screenshot 10

    You may actually refer to the AutoCrat documentation for more information about this tool: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WTGSSlH6gwUHpipusPKLIsgfFUamDbFbJ7JaoG6-ZBo/edit#heading=h.3l0ll2fes2s3 

    Regarding accepting multiple files, instead of enabling the "allow multiple" option on your current field, you may simply add multiple individual file upload fields, this way you can handle each one individually. If you want to make the uploads option then you may not turn on the required property. This guide will also provide you details about how to add the fields to your form: https://www.jotform.com/help/332-How-to-Create-File-Upload-Forms 

    Also, our PDF editor will allow you to customize the document for single submissions, you may reduce the elements size and change their position, but it will not actually allow to manage the layout for multiple submissions. 

    If you have questions, let us know. 

  • testbots
    Replied on September 5, 2019 at 6:11 PM

    I finally was able to make things work by using File Uploader by UploadCare and putting my images on Instagram and then using AutoCrat with Google Sheets, and then Google Docs to make our final document. 

    I hope that PDF editor might one day be able to have an option to put all submissions in one document and an option to not have the large header on every page. 

  • jonathan
    Replied on September 5, 2019 at 6:19 PM

    If you have responded to this thread recently via your email, your updates appears blank/empty. You may reply and resend again using the link https://www.jotform.com/answers/1921214