How to Change Currency on a Payment Form

July 16, 2024

When creating a payment form, the currency is always at the center of the overall setup. You cannot create a payment form without a currency. When you publish the form, the currency is also one of the things your customers will look into.

If you create or clone a form with a different currency, you can change it with little effort. To start, you must edit the form to load it in the Form Builder. Next, do the following:

  1. Click the Payment element in the form.
  2. Click the Payment Settings (Wand icon) on the right side of the element.
  3. In the Payment Settings panel, click the Gear icon at the top-right side.
Payment Settings panel of a payment element on the right side of the Form Builder
  1. Choose your preferred currency from the Currency dropdown.
Currency dropdown of the PayPal Integration
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