How to Pass a Field Value to Another Field

March 11, 2024

Copying a field value to another field can be incredibly useful for automating processes and ensuring data consistency. It ensures that information entered in one field is automatically populated in another, reducing the chance of errors or discrepancies.

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To pass a field value to another field

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Conditions on the left.
  3. Add a new Update/Calculate Field condition.
Steps to create a new Update/Calculate Field condition in Jotform Form Builder
  1. On the next page, set DO to Copy Field Value.
  2. Configure your condition rules, then select Save at the bottom.
A Copy Field Value condition in Jotform

In this example form, the condition is as follows:

  • IF: Personal Email
  • STATE: Is Filled
  • DO: Copy Field Value
  • FROM: Personal Email
  • TO: Business Email

You can copy values between various field types, such as text boxes, email fields, or address fieldsets. This flexibility allows you to tailor your forms to specific use cases.

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