How to Change the Access Settings of a Form

May 6, 2024

Jotform’s Access Settings allows you to restrict access to your form. You can choose Public, the default. You can also set it to Private, which restricts the form to invited users only, or Company Access, which restricts it to Jotform users registered with your organization’s email domain only.

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To change your Access Settings, please follow the steps below:

  1. In the Form Builder, go to the Publish tab.
  2. Under Quick Share, click the Settings link at the top-right of the form’s direct URL. See below:
Settings link to Access Settings in the Publish tab of the Jotform Form Builder
  1. Choose your Access Settings option. The Form Builder automatically saves your changes.

Public Form means anyone can access your form.

Public Form option in the Access Settings

Private Form means only people who are invited and has accepted the invitation to become assignee(s) can access your form. Accepting means to have an account with Jotform to access the form.

Private Form option in the Access Settings of the Jotform Form Builder

Related Guide: Adding Assignees to Your Form.

Company Access means only people invited with an email address from the domain set in the settings can access your form.

Company Access Form option in the Access Settings of the Jotform Form Builder

Related Guide: Making Your Forms Accessible to Company Members Only.

At the bottom of the Access Settings, you’ll find the Permissions. You can select to let invited users to:

  • Submit Only
  • Submit & View Later
  • Submit & Edit Later
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