How to Add a Widget to Your Form

June 24, 2024

Form Widgets is a platform created by Jotform to help you lessen the workload of creating interactive and dynamic forms. It allows you to do things on your forms that you wouldn’t think of as normally possible. It cuts down your work and makes things a lot easier.

Think of it as a way to expand your forms, making them smarter and better than before! You can check our Widget Library of more than 370+ Widgets for your usage. This library gives a much larger, visual, and detailed explanation of all of our Widgets.

So, how do you add a widget to your form? It’s super easy. Let’s start!

Youtube Embed Poster: jaD1ErJPHO4
  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button.
  2. Go to the Widgets tab, then search for the widget you’d like to use.
  3. Click the widget to add. You can also drag and drop it anywhere to your form. For example, the Take Photo widget. Here’s a short GIF of these first three (3) steps.
  1. As you can see from the GIF above, the form builder opens the widget settings automatically. The behavior is the same for all widgets, but the settings may vary depending on the widget itself. Set up the options, and click the Update Widget button to save the changes.

Each widget also has its Properties where you can set up a few additional options related to the whole widget itself. There, you’ll find the General and Advanced tabs.

To open the Properties, click the Gear icon on the right side of the widget. Please see the below image:


It’s also possible to customize the look and feel of the widget by injecting custom CSS codes into it. Please visit the following guide for more details.

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