How to View Incomplete Payments of Your Payment Forms

April 30, 2024

If a user completes a payment on your form, it will be posted as a valid payment submission. However, payments from off-page payment gateways like PayPal Personal are logged as incomplete until the payment is completed. Jotform also records the payment as incomplete if the user abandons or closes the redirected payment page.

Additionally, a declined payment for the following off-page or redirected payment gateways is also logged as incomplete:

  • Stripe Checkout
  • PayPal Checkout
  • PayPal Personal
  • PayPal Express
  • Venmo
  • PayPal Invoicing
  • PayU
  • PayU Money
  • PayU TR
  • Worldpay UK
  • Payfast
  • Stripe ACH
  • 2Checkout
  • Skrill
  • Sofort
  • Paymentwall
  • iyzico

Your form records the incomplete payment in Jotform Tables through the Pending Payment section.

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To view the incomplete payments for your payment form, please follow these steps:

  1. In the My Forms page, select the form with incomplete payments you want to view.
  2. Click the Submissions button to open Jotform Tables. Alternatively, you can click the More option on the form and select Submissions under the Data column.
View Submission option in Jotform My Forms page
  1. In Jotform Tables, click the three vertical dots (kebab menu) from the main submissions tab.
  2. Click the Pending payments from the list of options.
Pending Payments option in Jotform Tables
  1. Hover your mouse over the submission with the incomplete payment, and click the View details button.
View Details in the Pending Payments section of Jotform Tables
  1. You have two actions to choose from:
    • Delete Forever — Click this button to purge the incomplete payment from the Jotform Tables. Confirm the action by clicking the Delete button on the popup.
    • Complete — Clicking this button adds the incomplete payment to the list of entries in the Jotform Tables. However, this doesn’t retry the payment process and will not charge the user. You can do this if you want the entry included in the report and trigger a workflow, emails, and integration.
Action buttons such as Delete Forever and Complete in Pending Payments section of Jotform Tables
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