User Guides

Unbounce is a landing page builder with smart features that let you create beautiful, high-performing marketing campaigns for your business. With Unbounce's AI-powered technology, you can create custom landing pages in just a few...

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc., use a protocol called OpenGraph to show a preview of links. In particular, you must have the metadata properties such as og:image in the <head> section of your website to display a...

With Jotform's Google Forms import tool, you could transform your existing Google Forms into more powerful forms powered by its advanced form builder. Enhance your forms using the easy-to-use Form Designer and connect them with more apps and...

If you want to copy a form from one Jotform account to another, you can do so by using Jotform's Import Form feature. The only requirement to do this is to get your form URL. Let's start! Getting Your Form URL Jotform Form Builder creates...

Working with multiple forms can sometimes be a little complex, especially if you plan to make some fields between two or more forms identical for later. Instead of manually redoing all the updates you did, you could use our Field Manager app to...

If you want to combine two forms into one, Jotform has a widget called Field Manager. All you need to do is identify the two forms you'd like to merge and then follow the steps below. Go to Field Manager and click Open...

Putting your forms in offline mode is an easy way to make sure you can easily collect data on the go. When you collect responses from offline mode, the responses are saved on your iPad and then they’re automatically uploaded to Jotform when you...

Google Sheets is a powerful data management tool that helps you organize data and collaborate with others. You can integrate your forms with Google Sheets to automatically forward your form entries to your spreadsheet. New form data will be sent...

Jotform Smart PDF Forms allows you to convert your existing PDF forms into online forms. When you update your original PDF, the existing mapped fields on your web form will remain intact. This means you can modify your PDF while preserving the...

Jotform Smart PDF Forms allows you to convert your existing or original PDF file into an online form. The responses you collect through your online form automatically populate your original PDF, retaining the exact layout and formatting of the...

Deleting unnecessary submissions helps optimize storage and keeps your account organized. If you accidentally delete submissions, Jotform Tables conveniently keeps the entries in the Trash for a certain period of time, allowing you to check and...

Connecting other forms within your account in Jotform Tables allows you to manage submission data from multiple forms in one place. This enables you to create a lookup or rollup in one of the connected tables. Records update in real-time,...

Jotform's Tables Prefill allows you to use data from your Jotform Tables to prepopulate fields on your form. You can use one of your form tables or import your existing data into Tables and use it. See How to Import Data in Jotform Tables to...

Deleting a submission in Jotform Tables moves the entry to Trash which will automatically be purged after 30 days. Archiving a submission on the other hand moves the entry to Archive which you can keep indefinitely. Archiving Entries To...

Jotform offers several ways to check your form fillers' IP addresses for troubleshooting, security, or analytic purposes. Understanding the IP addresses of respondents can provide valuable insights and enhance your form management...

Secure or SSL Forms are for secure communications between the client (e.g., the end-user of your form) and Jotform's servers. These communications are encrypted to prevent snooping by a third party making the communication between the server and...

Do you want to automatically save the form data into a word document? Or, better yet, populate a word template with a form data? That's easy with Make (formerly Integromat). With Make, you can connect Jotform to over a hundred services like...

The Send Post Data option in the Form Builder allows you to send your form data to an endpoint via an HTTP POST request. For debugging purposes, you can use as an endpoint or destination...

Dropbox is a cloud storage service used for file sharing and project collaboration. It allows you to securely store and share files seamlessly across devices, fostering easy collaboration and accessibility among your company. With Jotform's...

If your form is embedded onto multiple web pages, you can use a hidden field to monitor where the entries are coming from. This can help you understand which pages are driving more engagement which can be useful for marketing and data...

If you are embedding the same form on multiple pages and want to know which page the submission came from, the Get Page URL widget is the solution. Do you want to capture the web page where a...