How to Integrate CardConnect With Jotform

August 6, 2024

CardConnect is a simple and secure online payment gateway. Since CardConnect’s inception in 2006, they have developed advanced payment solutions backed by patented, PCI-validated point-to-point encryption (P2PE) and tokenization. More than 67,000 businesses, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to young startups, use CardConnect to securely process and manage their transactions. 

CardConnect logo

What Can You Do With Jotform’s CardConnect Integration?

With CardConnect, you can do the following:

  • Sell online products 
  • Sell merchandise 
  • Collect donations online 
  • Accept custom payments

How to Add and Set Up CardConnect in the Form?

Create or edit your form and follow the below steps to integrate CardConnect with your form.

  1. In Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button on the left side of the screen.
  2. Go to the Payments tab.
  3. Click CardConnect from the list. You can also drag/drop it to add.
CardConnect payment gateway in the Jotform Form Builder
  1. In the Payment Settings, provide your CardConnect credentials as follows:
    • Merchant ID — You can find the Merchant ID under the My Accounts page of your CardConnect account.
    • Merchant Site — This will be the subdomain of your CardConnect dashboard. For example, if you have, enter “jotformers” as the Merchant Site.
    • API Username
    • API Password — If you haven’t created an API Username and Password, visit CardConnect – Creating Credentials for the steps.
Merchant ID, Site, API Username and Password in the CardConnect integration settings
  1. Now, set up the following options accordingly:
    • Currency — CardConnect supports USD only.
    • Add Captcha — You must add a captcha in the form and select it from the dropdown.
    • Payment Type — With CardConnect, you can sell products, collect donations, or allow user-defined amounts.
Currency, Sandbox Mode, Add Captcha, and Payment Type options in the CardConnect integration settings

Pro Tip

You can open the Payment Settings by clicking the Wand icon on the right side of the CardConnect gateway.

  1. If you choose to sell products, click the Continue button. Otherwise, click the Save button to complete the integration.

See also:

How to Test CardConnect?

To test CardConnect, you only need to toggle the Sandbox Mode to Yes. After this, the integration automatically sets the sandbox credentials for you. You do not need to provide them in the settings.

Sandbox Mode enabled in CardConnect integration settings

You can use the following details to submit a test payment:

Full NameAny
Credit Card Number4242424242424242
ExpirationAny future date
Billing AddressAny Address

Feel free to submit the following demo form.

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