Does MetroFax enable HIPAA compliance?

Just so you know

Collect patient data and payments with Jotform’s HIPAA-friendly online forms and send secure PDFs in one click.

Metrofax offers secure, encrypted fax communication services. The built-in faxing features allow users to quickly send information from a cell phone or computer as a fax.

Even though Metrofax provides encryption to protect transmitted information, it appears to be missing some capabilities required for HIPAA compliance. When sharing PHI through a third-party provider, HIPAA regulations require a signed Business Associate Agreement. This BAA must be in place for Metrofax’s services to meet HIPAA compliance.

Check with Metrofax to see if they will sign a BAA.

Product details

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Product description

Metrofax is a communication service that can be used to send and receive faxes through their website, email, or a smartphone.

This web page was updated on September 28, 2022.


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