15 podcasts for teachers to further professional development

15 podcasts for teachers to further professional development

Listening to podcasts is convenient for teachers who wish to further develop their skills — no need to travel or spend hours reading textbooks. You can listen to education experts and fellow teachers when driving to work, logging grades, or grabbing a coffee in the break room.

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Cult of Pedagogy

The Cult of Pedagogy offers a wide collection of podcasts on all things related to teaching, including edtech, classroom management, education reform, and teaching strategies. Former teacher and founder Jennifer Gonzalez offers practical takeaways to empower teachers. For example, in an episode called “To Boost Learning, Just Add Movement,” she describes six ways to incorporate movement into your classroom.

Spark Creativity

The podcasts at Spark Creativity cover practical and unique ideas for ELA teachers. In episode 63, for example, educator Betsy Potash discusses eight ways to do station work well in ELA classrooms, while in episode 53 she describes her 30-minute process for planning units. You can also connect with other high school English teachers for support and inspiration in the Facebook group Potash hosts.

Truth for Teachers

Teacher Angel Watson’s Truth for Teachers is a large collection of podcasts that include practical tips for the classroom and messages of encouragement to keep pressing on. The overarching goal is to inspire teachers so they thrive in their profession. For example, the episode called “Fewer Things, Better: The Courage to Focus on What Matters Most” offers a refreshing message for teachers who are often told they are not doing enough. Watson offers a book with the same title, in case you want to explore the subject in more detail.

Chalk Full of Life

The podcasts at Chalk Full of Life focus on supporting teachers in and out of the classroom, with the belief that teachers don’t have to give up health and happiness. Former teacher and certified life coach for teachers Kelli Wise gives tips on self-care, explores the value of state tests and teacher evaluations, and talks about how to remove drama from your life as a teacher. In one episode, Wise dives into why she thinks the only professional development teachers need is personal development.

Google Teacher Tribe

The Google Teacher Tribe podcasts, hosted by educators Matt Miller and Kasey Bell, discuss practical ways teachers can incorporate G Suite and other Google tools into their classrooms and lesson plans. If you’re looking for new ways to use Google, listen to the episode on Apps That Integrate with Google Classroom, where they talk about tools you may already be using on your own, including Duolingo, Quizlet, and Flipgrid.

podcasts for teachers

Art Ed Radio

Art Ed Radio is a podcast for art teachers, produced by The Art of Education University. Hosted by high school art teacher Tim Bogatz, episodes focus on ideas and stories that resonate with K–12 art teachers, including arts integration, encaustic painting, and helping students find their artistic voice.

The Edtech Podcast

Edtech Podcast founder Sophie Bailey, who consults on education innovation strategy, says she wants to facilitate the conversation between “ed” and “tech” through storytelling. This dialogue will ultimately improve innovation. And while teachers and other professionals in education make up the majority of the podcast’s audience, another audience is comprised of government agencies, startups, blue chip companies, and investors. For those interested in edtech, start listening with the episode “What Do Teachers Want from Edtech?

Study Hall with Mr. D

Study Hall with Mr. D is a series of podcasts led by elementary school teacher Joe Dombrowski, who interviews guests about their views on education and work–life balance. In the episode “Kindergarten Mayhem!” he speaks to teacher Greg Smedley-Warren of The Kindergarten Smorgasboard blog about Smedley-Warren’s hilarious experiences and advice for working with little ones.

Educational postcasts

#EdChat Radio

#EdChat Radio is hosted by Bam Radio, the world’s largest all-education talk radio network. A collaborative tool, the podcasts cover Twitter-based discussions (hence the hashtag) and teachers who want to engage with timely topics in education. For example, in a recent podcast, educators Shawn Thomas, Nancy Blair, and the founder of #EdChat, Tom Whitby, explore the reluctance among teachers to discuss race in “The Nation Is Demanding a Discussion About Race; Are We Ready to Talk?

Hack Learning

Hack Learning, created by veteran educator Mark Barnes, offers easy-to-implement solutions for teachers that can improve education for all students. The short, engaging podcasts are designed to support busy teachers with practical tips. Topics include how teachers can find balance, how to teach empathy, and how to instill a growth mind-set in students.

House of #EdTech

Hosted by educator Christopher J. Nesi, founder of the Education Podcast Network, this series of podcasts explores how technology is changing the way teachers work and how students learn. In the episode called “More Content Ideas for Classroom Podcasts,” you’ll find ideas teachers can use to get students involved in creating their own podcasts.

The Creative Classroom

Educator and author John Spencer started The Creative Classroom to help teachers inspire creativity in their students. A former middle school teacher himself, Spencer knows how much time teachers spend preparing students for tests and that they sometimes need a little refresher on how to get students to think creatively. Topics include why students should podcast, strategies to build student empathy, and the power of a mid-year reboot.

The 10-Minute Teacher Podcast

The 10-Minute Teacher Podcast is hosted by teacher Vicki Davis. These short interview-style podcasts are produced five days a week, offering teachers insights they can listen to on a break or in the car. Choose from Motivational Mondays, EdTech Tool Tuesdays, Wonder Classroom Wednesdays, Thought Leader Thursdays, and 5-Idea Fridays. One example of a typical podcast is the episode “Can Schools Be Fair? Restorative Justice and Improving Your School Culture.”

K-12 Greatest Hits: The Best Ideas in Education

This BAM radio podcast is hosted by the executive directors of 14 education associations. These “Greatest Hits” are a compilation of the most popular segments, and they offer teachers relevant and current thoughts on the education issues that matter most. Episodes, like the recent “Reinventing How We Teach Math and Why We Should,” give teachers the most up-to-date advice from experts in education.

School Psyched!

The School Psyched! podcast explores student psychology with guest experts. Teachers know that the emotional and psychological well-being of students greatly impacts their performance. Episodes like “Selective Mutism Revisited” give teachers guidance on how to empathize and partner with struggling students.

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