Does Venmo enable HIPAA compliance?

Venmo doesn’t enable HIPAA compliance because it doesn’t offer a Business Associate Agreement (BAA).

Venmo does not currently state that it meets HIPAA requirements and doesn’t provide HIPAA protection for sensitive patient health information. Since the platform is typically used by individuals to send money to one another, it may not fit all the PHI-related requirements of healthcare organizations.

There are several payment gateways that seem to enable HIPAA compliance, but Venmo, despite being a great payment method for many, is not the best fit for medical institutions to protect PHI.

Product details

Company Logo


Payment Apps

Product description

Venmo is a subsidiary of PayPal designed to help individuals send money to each other through the Venmo mobile app. The service is primarily used to transfer money between friends in a quick and secure way.

This web page was updated on October 02, 2023.


Readers should perform their own research before making the final decision. The information on the Jotform HIPAA Compliance Checker does not constitute official healthcare or legal advice. Jotform is not liable for any damage or liabilities arising out of or connected in any manner with this platform.

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