Does Webex enable HIPAA compliance?

Webex provides users with an explanation of its security practices for HIPAA compliance.

Just so you know
Jotform lets you build HIPAA-compliant online forms and collect patient data and payments with them for your medical practice. And with our free appointment field, you can seamlessly schedule appointments online!
Healthcare organizations can use Webex as part of their HIPAA compliance. Healthcare practices (covered entities) must ensure that Webex is configured correctly. Cisco states the responsibilities of both parties (Cisco Webex and the customer) for HIPAA compliance. Cisco Webex states that it is responsible for protecting the confidentiality, privacy, and security of PHI, whereas the healthcare provider is responsible for properly classifying and maintaining data. Cisco also offers a Webex HIPAA Self-Assessment.

Product details

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Online Meeting

Product description

Webex is video conferencing software that allows users to hold virtual meetings wherever they are, as long as they have internet access.

This web page was updated on September 29, 2023.


Readers should perform their own research before making the final decision. The information on the Jotform HIPAA Compliance Checker does not constitute official healthcare or legal advice. Jotform is not liable for any damage or liabilities arising out of or connected in any manner with this platform.

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