Calculation Forms

96 Templates

Quiz Form With A Calculated Number Of Correct Answers

Calculate a number of correct answers with a Form Calculation Widget, and show that number on the form's Thank You page.


Serial Number Generator

A Serial Number Generator is a form template designed to generate unique serial numbers for various purposes, such as software license keys, security codes, and unique IDs

Calculation Forms

Customer Bill Pay

A customer bill pay form is a template used by businesses to collect information from customers who pay their bills through their website. No coding!

Banking Forms

BMI Calculator

A BMI Calculator is a form template designed to facilitate the calculation and interpretation of BMI (Body Mass Index), providing valuable information for health management and planning.

Healthcare Forms

Expense Reimbursement Form With Calculations

An expense reimbursement form is used by businesses to track employee or contractor business expense reimbursements

Calculation Forms

Expense Reimbursement Form With Calculations Template

An expense reimbursement form is used by businesses to track employee or contractor business expense reimbursements.

Information Request Forms

Calculate Age

This age template calculates the age of your form user by automatically capturing today's date, and getting the difference between the user's birth-date, and today's date, returning the result in years. Your form users can calculate their ages by using this age form.

Calculation Forms

Fuel Cost Calculator

A Fuel Cost Calculator is a form template designed to estimate the cost of fuel consumption for businesses based on various factors such as distance traveled, fuel efficiency, and current fuel prices.

Calculation Forms

Service Estimate Form

Collect and generate estimates for clients requesting your services. Calculate total costs automatically. Easy to customize, embed, and integrate. No coding.

E-commerce Forms

Inventory Management Form

An inventory management form is filled out by an employee at a retail business to keep track of the inventory of the store. No coding!

Business Forms

Macros, Calories Diet Plan

Online Fitness Pro White-label Fitness Course Calculator

Calculation Forms

Total Savings Calculator

Use this form to simulate how much you can save with interests rate option added. Insert number of years, monthly value and select GIC type. You will then get total amount saved. Simple and direct.

Calculation Forms

Generate Random Number

If you're looking for a long unique random numbers, you can start with this form. This has random math function that is generated every time the form loads. You can construct your formula to create more unique and lengthy value.

Calculation Forms

Summer Intern Timesheet

Do you want to know more about your internship? A very useful internship timesheet template that allows you to calculate the time dedicated to a project, by inserting start and finish time with lunch-break. Also, it allows collecting information about the activities, goals, tasks taken in a day.

Calculation Forms

Tickets And Tables Order Form

See the difference between custom Form Calculation Widget and Purchase Order Tool on this sample ordering form.

Order Forms

Calculate Number Of Days

Number of dates from a specific date to another date.

Calculation Forms
Calculate Body Mass Index And Body Fat Percentage Form Template